TWA application development
We develop web applications available in the Telegram messenger

Development of TWA applications (Telegram Web App)

  • Speed

    Quick response to user actions, high loading speed, interactivity at the mobile application level.
  • Adaptability

    A responsive web application looks great on all types of devices: smartphones, tablets, desktop computers.
  • Cross-platform

    One application that works on any operating system, any browser and device.
Features of TWA technology

  • Convenient and easy to use: TWA is designed specifically for mobile devices and has a simple and intuitive interface that allows you to quickly and easily communicate with friends and colleagues.
  • High Security: TWA app uses advanced encryption and data protection technologies to ensure the privacy and security of your messages.
  • Availability: TWA is available on most mobile devices, including iPhone, Android and Windows Phone. This means you can use it anywhere, anytime.
  • Social Media Integration: TWA allows you to easily integrate with your favorite social networks, making it easy to share information.
  • Lots of Features: TWA offers a lot of features like group chats, stickers, video calling and more.
  • Bot and plugin support: TWA has an open API that allows developers to create bots and plugins that extend the functionality of the application.
On the other hand, there are a number of restrictions, for example:

  • Not all Telegram features are available in TWA. For example, users cannot create bots or customize their profile.
  • TWA only works in the browser, which may limit its functionality on some devices.
  • TWA does not support video calls or audio calls.

Development stages of Telegram Web App
Creating a Telegram Web App is a complex process that requires experience and knowledge in the field of web development. Below are the main development stages:
Requirements Analysis: This stage analyzes the requirements of the application and identifies the functionality that needs to be implemented.

Design: based on the requirements analysis, a design project is created that describes the application structure, user interface and operating logic.

TWA development : at this stage, all the necessary application components are created, including the server part, client part, databases, etc.

Testing: After development is completed, the application is tested to ensure compliance with requirements and correct any identified errors.
Deployment: at the last stage, the application is deployed to the servers of the development company and installed on user devices.
Interaction Models
We offer two standard models: fixed price or time and materials.
Fixed price is a model in which, based on a comprehensive technical specification, a fixed cost for project development is established. This model is suitable for projects with clearly defined requirements and budget, but may be less flexible if changes to the project require additional costs.
Time and materials is a payment model in which the development company is paid for each hour of work, regardless of how long it took to complete the task. This model is more flexible, as it allows you to skip the stage of rigid formalization of requirements, take into account all changes in the project and adjust the cost depending on the complexity of the tasks. However, it can be more expensive, especially if the project ultimately requires more hours of work.

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