Mobile application development
We create and develop applications for Android and iOS. Native or cross-platform. MVP in no time.
Custom mobile application development


The application works on all popular mobile platforms.


The interface complies with modern trends in mobile development, as well as the guidelines of the Android and iOS platforms.


We will develop an MVP as quickly as possible so that you start receiving feedback on the application as early as possible.
Why do you need mobile application development for business?
A mobile application can help with a number of tasks:
- Increase profits. you will be able to stimulate sales through notifications to the client about discounts and special offers directly to his screen 24/7.
Automate processes. Direct access to the client through the application will allow you to carry out routine operations without attracting new employees.
Improve the service. You will gain audience loyalty thanks to a user-friendly interface and a simple algorithm for working with the company.
Features of application development for mobile devices

Technically, the main difference between a website and a mobile application is that the connection between resource pages occurs through hyperlinks. The application works independently - not in the browser.

By task: for a website the main thing is information content, and for a mobile application it’s functionality.

Also an important point in creating an application for mobile devices is a well-developed User Experience, that is, a positive user experience.

Stages of creating mobile applications
We define the concept of the application
It is necessary to think about:
- what goal the mobile application will achieve;
— what is the target audience;
— what users should do in the application.
We also need to decide whether this will be a cross-platform application, or whether we will start creating an application for iOS and Android separately. In the first case, you will get a larger audience reach and development will be cheaper. A native application written for a specific OS will provide additional opportunities for user interaction and stable operation of the program.
We offer both mobile application development services for several platforms at once, as well as application development for Android and IOS .
We are preparing technical specifications
We describe the functionality and requirements for the appearance of the mobile application. This stage allows you to correctly estimate the cost of development and avoid incorrect interpretation of the initial requirements.
We are developing a mobile application
We begin work on the application immediately after the technical specifications are approved. We design the structure of a mobile application, develop prototypes, design. After that, we program and launch the MVP (minimum viable product).
We work according to a flexible development methodology
We create weekly sprints during which we show the completed functionality. You will be involved in development and get the desired result.
Testing the application. We evaluate the operation of the application before launching it manually and using automatic programs: we prevent bugs.
Let's launch the application
We set up and launch your project. We also carry out the second stage of testing, which begins after the launch.
We support and develop the project
We do not abandon the application after launch. Our specialists support the project: developing new modules and adjusting old ones.
Models of work
Together with you we will choose a work model:
Fixed Price
All work and cost are determined immediately. To order the development of a mobile application using this model, you need the most accurate technical specifications. The Fixed Price model is better suited for small projects with limited budgets and fixed deadlines.
Time & Materials
This model is used if it is impossible to develop a clear technical specification. Work is paid based on the work completed for a certain period of time. This model works well with flexible requirements and long-term work. There is an important condition: the client must have the opportunity to regularly participate in the project.
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