Development of cloud services
We develop simple and complex cloud solutions: information and analytical systems, databases, CRM and others.

Development of cloud services and applications

  • Technologies

    We select tools and technologies so that you are as prepared as possible for the launch of the project.
  • MVP

    “A startup is either fast or dead.” We will develop an MVP in the shortest possible time so that you can start testing the business model as early as possible.
  • Scalability

    We lay down the possibility of scaling at an early stage of creating a web service. Develop your product without major changes.
Types of cloud services
Cloud services provide greater opportunities for companies without the need to use their own servers. They can be of various types: from CRM systems to databases.
Cloud services can be divided into certain types. Let's look at the main ones in more detail:

  • 1
    IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service). They provide IT infrastructure as a service. These could be servers, secure data storage, software.
  • 2
    PaaS (Platform as a Service). This type offers a platform for the company’s activities: a ready-made environment and settings. For example, development and testing tools or a database management system.
  • 3
    SaaS (Software as a Service). Online services: for example, the popular service for working with text documents Google Docs.
  • 4
    DRaaS (Disaster Recovery as a Service). This is a solution to reduce the risks of emergency situations. The provider of such a service provides the opportunity to copy all data and programs to its site. If the customer’s main services fail, they are restarted on the cloud and work can continue with them.
Stages of creating cloud services
The following stages can be distinguished in the development of cloud services :
Product analysis
It is necessary to determine the business requirements of the product: the target audience and the goals of the product.
Development of technical specifications
We develop technical specifications (specifications) with fairly detailed descriptions of the functionality and requirements for the cloud service. It is important to know what the initial development requirements are.
Software implementation
Our company works according to the principle of individual approach to every client. This method allows us to achieve success in problems of all levels.
Before launching, we examine the operation of the service manually and using automatic programs: we identify and eliminate possible service errors, preventing new ones.
We configure and launch the project. If necessary, we do another stage of testing after launch.
Project support and development
We are ready to support the service: developing new modules and modifying existing ones.
Models of work
When creating a cloud application, there are 2 options:
Fixed Price:
the cost and deadlines of the work are clearly established from the very beginning. In this cooperation scheme, a detailed technical specification is developed, which records all the nuances of the work.
a system of work in which a clear technical specification is not required, and the main details are clarified during the process of creating the product. The cost is calculated based on the hours of work spent by the team of specialists to complete the task.
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